- 執行長李競芬的話 - CEO Betty Yuan
第二十二屆北加州華人文化體育協會運動大會將於8月3日在1201 Brewster Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94062 開幕
北加州華人文化體育協會(簡稱華體會)自2003年起連續第二十二年在北加州舉辦華人體育運動大會,我們有三個使命: 1. 團結華人社區及凝聚華人社團; 2. 活躍華人體育文化生活及事業發展;3. 發掘下一代體育文化人才並融入主流,二十二年來我們做到了。 單項比賽將陸續展開詳情請看ncccaf.org
The 22rd Northern California Chinese Cultural Athletic Federation will open on August 3, at 1201 Brewster Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94062.
The Northern California Chinese Cultural Athletic Federation has held the Chinese Sports Conference in Northern California for the 22rd consecutive year since 2003. We have three missions: 1. To unite the Chinese community and to unite the Chinese community; 2. To activate the Chinese sports culture Life and career development; 3. Discover the next generation of sports and cultural talents and integrate them into the mainstream. We have done it in the past 22 years.
The competition will start in June. For individual competition details, please see ncccaf.org
Over the years, the Northern California Chinese Cultural Athletic Federation has participated in more than 200 teams, more than 400 competition events, more than 10,000 players, and more than 30,000 spectators. The record is now the largest sports event for Chinese outside Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and mainland China. The following activities of the Northern California Chinese Cultural Athletic Federation over the years:
2003年首屆運動會獲得600多位義工及100多位體育精英參與; In 2003, more than 600 volunteers and more than 100 elite sports participated in the first Games
In 2004, 127 Chinese American organizations joined us for the opening ceremony and more than 10,000 athletic participants, therefore we are the largest sports event overseas
2005年在奧運冠軍的帶領下, 運動會邁向專業領域;
In 2005, under the leadership of the Olympic champion, we entered the professional field
In 2006, we attracted a wider range of Chinese American ethnic and age groups to participate, breaking many records
In 2007, we hosted the Countdown Outdoor Music Gala inadvance for the Olympic Games to bring blessings and spirit
2008年舉辦〔唱響奧運,愛我中華〕音樂會, 以作為對北京奧運的具體支持和響應;
In 2008, the concert was held as a support and response to the Beijing Olympics
In 2009, a total of 128 organizations participated in the opening ceremony of the slogan "All In and One Family"
In 2010, the "passionate event and harmonious overseas Chinese community" sports event was held to connect the Shanghai World Expo and the Guangzhou Asian Olympics
2011年更以“百年辛亥百尺竿頭”為主題, 來紀念辛亥百年,除發揚華體會專業領導體育競技,強身健體,全僑一家運動精神外,以振興中華,民族復興為使命,也承辦“辛亥百年邁向統一”大型影視音樂文藝晚會,呈現一幅中華百年史實,邁向和平統一的畫卷, 攜手共見這歷史的一刻;
In 2011, the theme of "One Hundred Years of 1911 and 100 Years of Success" was used to commemorate the 100th anniversary of 1911. In addition it was to promote the Chinese experience of professional leadership in sports competition, strengthen the body, and their spirits with the mission of revitalizing China and national rejuvenation. In memory of the "Xinhai 100 Years".
In 2012, "Chinese Sports Ten Years Long Teng Jinshan" drove the cultural and sport life of the Bay Area
In 2013, "hand in hand to surpass dreams" let each of us surpass our expectations
In 2014, "Youth Unleashed Hope" gathers more of the younger generation
2015年”團結爭勝自強不息“為主題,來慶祝抗戰勝利七十週年,與灣區上百社團共同舉辦「北加州兩岸僑胞紀念抗戰勝利七十週年晚會」 - 共同的記憶共同的夢想,表達我們對三千五百萬死難同胞的緬懷與敬意;
In 2015, the theme of "Unity and Self-improvement" is to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. This was a common memory, dream, and an expression of our respect of the 35 million compatriots
In 2016, "Inheritance, Carry Forward and Forge the Future" held a party to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Sun Yat-sen's and support his statement that "China must unify the nation in order to rejuvenate"
2017年我們歡度了華體會十五歲的生日,也舉辦七七事變80週年紀念音樂會 - 勿忘國恥圓夢中華,就是要時刻提醒我們自己,銘記歷史,銘記先輩們的犧牲,銘記今天和平生活的來之不易。通過歷史更加深切地體會國家和民族命運變遷的深刻啟示,時刻準備著迎接新的挑戰,捍衛以往的勝利, 弘揚光大中華民族的榮耀與尊嚴;
In 2017, we celebrated the 15th anniversary of Northern California Chinese Cultural Athletics Federation, and also held a concert to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the July 7 Incident.
In 2018, "Same ancestors, one heart and one mind" represents that we are all one family.
2019年”握手未來 共濟共贏” 運動會的召開讓更多華人攜起手來共創美好明天。
In 2019, "Handshake the Future, Mutual Aid and Win-win" convey a better tomorrow.
2022年,迎來20歲生日, 「華體二十,砥礪奮進」,是我們的口號及目標,因新冠疫情而久違兩年的華體會,我們希望經過精心,專業安排,華體會不僅到能舉辦“專業化”的運動大會,成為推廣,分享全民體育的長 設性體育資源中心;同時也希望將優美的中華文化宴饗北加州的廣大華人華僑,豐富我們的生活品質,同時也邀請其他族裔共襄盛舉,表達華裔對社區的參與和支持。這是海外華人展現團結,進步,和諧,共建的文體盛會。
In 2022, the Northern California Chinese Cultural Athletic Federation will celebrate its 20th anniversary. "華體二十,砥礪奮進" is our slogan and goal. Due to the epidemic, the Northern California Chinese Cultural Athletic Federation has been on hold for two years. However, we hope that this will not only be a professional sports event but will also become a long-term sports resource center for promoting and sharing national sports. Now this is a cultural and sports event that benefits Chinese Americans while also promoting unity, progress, harmony, and reconstruction.
In 2023, "Stay true to our original aspirations and start a new journey" is our slogan. In addition to organizing various sports competitions, we also formed a team to participate in APEC activities to welcome President Xi, participated in the 52nd anniversary of Sino-US table tennis diplomacy, and also invited China The national martial arts delegation went to San Francisco to promote martial arts, showing the Chinese people in the United States hope to see the development of friendly relations and coexistence and common prosperity between the United States and China.
2024北加州華人文化體育協會“數字華體 智慧前行” 工作會達成共識。華體會將在今年陸續開展一系列的比賽活動,其項目及日期安排分別是:6月,乒乓球、羽毛球;7月,足球賽;8月,運動大會、田徑、武術、太極、廣場舞、網球、草地排球、少兒五項;9月,游泳比賽、高爾夫;11月華體會首屆世界華人籃球邀請賽。
A consensus was reached at the 2024 Northern California Chinese Culture Athletic Federation "Digital Chinese Sports and Smart Forward" working meeting. NCCCAF will carry out a series of competition activities this year. The events and dates are: June, table tennis, badminton; July, football competition; August, sports meeting, track and field, martial arts, Tai Chi, square dance, Tennis, lawn volleyball, children's pentathlon; in September, swimming competitions, golf; in November, the first NCCCAF World Chinese Basketball Invitational Tournament of the Chinese Sports Association.
在2024年新的征程中,繼續砥礪奮進、再創佳績。同時希望 吸引各族裔人士參與本會各項活動,加強美中文體交流,展現華人在文體上對美國社區的貢獻。
In the new journey in 2024, we will continue to forge ahead and achieve greater success. At the same time, we hope to attract people of all ethnic groups to participate in various activities of the association, strengthen cultural and sports exchanges between the United States and China, and demonstrate the cultural and sports contributions of the Chinese to the American community.
我們期待您的支持與參與! 謝謝! Thank you for all your support and participation these past few years!
華體會辦公室:2090 Warm Springs Court., Suite 256, Fremont, CA 94539
電子郵件: ncccaf.2022@gmail.com 網站:ncccaf.org